3 Traits Graduates Must Have In Order To Succeed


Madeleine, an industrial design student, wants to bring her idea of a battery operated breast pump innovation into reality. At first, we’re hesitant because of the nature of the product but she was really strong-willed. We were moved by her faith, passion and persistence so we studied the idea thoroughly.

Madeleine’s Idea

When we’re helping students, we make sure that all concerns are brought up early in the table before anything else. A clear and well-prepared project scope includes product specifications, design limitations, strict timelines, acceptance agreements and role ownership. We learned that lesson the hard way when we dealt with a bad manufacturer that we trusted because we knew him already. We don’t want students to experience dealing with a bad manufacturer so they need strategic planning first before going into production.

Rendered View Of The Device

Finally, the contract was formed and she was very excited because her school was teaching contract negotiation also. We worked hand-in-hand with Madeleine to manifest her ideas into the hardware. Countless sleepless nights were spent on 3D modeling and electronic system design. My time limit is only up to 12:00 midnight but they were awake up to 6:00 AM in the morning! She was really  passionate about her idea on how she can really help nursing moms in their workplaces.

Different Views Using A 3D Modelling Software

When the design and sourcing were done, we went into production. Her deadline was fast approaching so she was always terrified. We keep on advising her that everything will be alright because we have planned everything about it. After the first prototype were finished, we immediately showed it to her. She was really happy and it reminded us our college days. All the hard work are worth it, we can literally feel her energy even though we’re miles apart.

First Prototypes Came Out Of Production

Final revisions of the 3D printed parts were done before going into assembly. Assembly took only a day because all the components passed QA/QC. Electronics installed, mechanisms calibrated and wirings were arranged. She was also busy preparing her video presentation and it turned out very good. She’s very good in research because all aspects of her study were covered. Her persistence had provided her the power to do anything for the sake of her goals.

Assembly Of The Device

All that is left was the full system testing. The pressure should be monitored using a calibrated sensor for to achieve the desired actuation. Electronic system simulations proved to be helpful because I can test the embedded system simultaneously with the hardware production. When all tests were finished, the product is on its way to Madeleine.

Early Pressure Tests

Even though we’ve encountered several hurdles like difficulty in sourcing of materials, delay in the design of missing material and modelling software learning curve, we still managed to beat our deadline together with Madeleine. We’ve learned so much from her and hoped that students can also adopt her values. We love working with students that set the bar higher for themselves in order to grow. Those who are crazy with their ideas, they’re the ones that does it. Familiar with the quote? 🙂

Sourcing of Motors

The moment of truth has come, we’re all praying for a good news during her defense. She has gone silent for a couple of hours and her last message was that she’s waiting for her turn. We were very eager to deliver an additional material for her defense but she insisted that it’s okay. Then that night, the good news we’ve been waiting for came. She made it and her grade was the highest that first night of deliberations. We were happy for her and we know she will become successful in the future.

Go Madeleine! Thank You For A Wonderful Journey With Us. Happy Graduation!

Upcoming Review: 06/16/16 – 3 Mind-Boggling Ideas Validated By TD Venture Labs

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IoT Summit Philippines

“Get Out of the Building Part 3”

The first IoT Summit + Hackathon was held on SM Megamall. Students, programmers, engineers and system integrators were all present in the 2-day event. The mission of the summit is to build an ecosystem for the technology that is predicted to have a great impact on the future of hardware (that’s why we’re there!).

A lot of the latest technology were shown by the exhibitors. Corporations, startups and makers were trying out augmented reality, virtual reality and 3D printed products. Seminars from prominent persons were also being held simultaneously with the hackathon and exhibit.

For us, our main goal is to understand 3D printing more. We are a hardware startup studio and creating new products is what we do best. Great quality products is our mantra with regards to our clients. Turning an idea into a hardware is always an iterative process. Time, money and effort are being wasted because of designs that can’t be made using traditional methods. By using 3D printing, your imagination is the limit!

